
Reflect Your Brand through Your Fence

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Reflect Your Brand through Your Fence

Hi, my name is Laura. Over the years, I worked with several companies as a brand consultant. At the same time, I was living in a flat with my brother who installed fences. In the evening, when we talked over our days, it was odd how much our industries overlapped. I wanted to do some extra writing so I decided to start this blog about that overlap. If you are putting a fence around your business or even your home, you want it to reflect your essence: your brand. This blog, crafted through my experience and research, shows you how to do that. Please explore and enjoy learning about fences!

Two tips for homeowners who want to get automatic gates

Here are two tips for homeowners who want to get automatic gates.

They should consider what power sources they'd like to use for the gates

Any homeowner who's interested in getting these gates should consider what power sources they'd like to use to operate them. In most instances, homeowners will simply have their fence contractors connect their gates to their property's electricity mains. However, if a homeowner wants to ensure their new gates don't increase the cost of their energy bills too much, they might want to consider having their fence contractor install a gate opener that will enable them to operate the gates using a combination of their electricity mains and solar panels. The latter will help to power the gates during the sunniest times of the year, whilst the latter will supply power to them during less sunny periods. This approach could not only save the homeowner some money in the long run but could also make their gates more eco-friendly. 

However, it's best for homeowners not to rely entirely on solar panels to power their automatic gates, unless they live in a place where it is sunny almost all of the time. Although solar panel-powered gate openers can function in cloudy weather, they will not be as efficient or effective in these conditions. As such, if a homeowner were to fit solar-powered gates in a place where it gets cloudy quite often, they might sometimes find that the gates open more slowly than usual, or only open halfway.

They should consider whether they'd like to add their new automatic gates to their smart home system

Homeowners in this situation should think about whether they'd like to integrate their automatic gates into their smart home system. Knowing this in advance, before they or their contractor purchases the gate opener, will allow them to select one that is already compatible with this technology. Adding the new gates to their smart home system could be a good idea if they want to be able to operate them from a greater distance than the gate's standard remote will allow.

For example, if a homeowner's family member calls them whilst the homeowner is away on a trip, and tells them they cannot find the remote and need to get through the gated entrance, the homeowner could open the gates for their relative, and then close and lock them after the relative leaves, despite being very far from the property. Additionally, having smart automatic gates could also enable a homeowner who's driving up towards their property to open the gates using their phone's voice-activated smart home app, instead of having to stop, take their hands off the wheel and use the remote to do this. 

For more info about automatic gates, contact a local company.